Reading Corner: The Longest Ride

8:00:00 AM

Book: The Longest Ride
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Rating: 3 out of 5

The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, The Lucky One, Safe Haven...the list could go on and on of the many books written by Nicholas Sparks. I am sure you have heard of at least one of these; maybe only as a movie, but I promise they were books first. Each of his books walk you through a rainbow of emotions from happy to sad to hope to anger; all at the end leaving you with a good heartfelt message. I usually am beyond excited when another book of his comes out, but this latest edition is not one of my favorites. Maybe it is because I have gotten used to his style of writing but I already knew where the story was leading before it got there. In The Longest Ride there are really two story lines occurring simultaneously, and of course at some point they merge together as can be expected. Why else would an author do that? If you are a Spark-plug, then I am sure you have already picked this up. If not, start with one of the aforementioned titles first.

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  1. Boo! I loved this one. Maybe because I'm an art fanatic and a country girl at heart. I think its probably just because you are used to his writing - no surprises in his books.


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