DIY: Feather Skirt

2:00:00 PM

I love the idea of a flirty feather skirt, but I could never find one that I liked in my size and for the right price. So my next DIY project formed...why not make my own?! It actually is really easy to do and requires no sewing (unless you want to be overly adventurous). Check it out!

Black Skirt
Feather Trim of your choosing
Measuring tape
Fabric Glue

Step 1: Find your ideal skirt (or make your own). I went to my local thrift shop and found my skirt for an amazing $4.
Step 2: Pick out your ostrich feather trim. I loved this peacock variation, but there are tons of classic or fun options out there to choose from. If you don't have a local speciality fabric store, you can buy online here or here.

Step 3: Using fabric glue, attach the trim to the skirt. Start at the bottom of the skirt and measure side hem to side hem. Cut feather trim accordingly. Apply fabric glue to the skirt and then attach the trim. Gradually move up the skirt; I placed each row about 2-3 inches apart but you can adjust based on how full you want it to look. Once the front was complete, I flipped it over and repeated the process on the back. For the amount of feather trim you need, it depends on the length of your skirt and how full you are making it. I used about 8 yards on mine.

Step 4: Style and Wear!

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